Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dreams Come True for Little Cowboys

As you may know, Kiddo2 loves cowboys.  He loves being a cowboy, he loves watching cowboys, he loves loudly pointing out anyone with a cowboy hat on in public.  He rides his stickhorse every day to "go move the cows".  He may not wear pants, but he won't leave the house without his boots.

Last weekend, our godson turned 3.  His parents live on a ranch and his grandma and aunt have horses.  (I need to make it clear that his dad does NOT have horses, he just makes the hay and feeds the horses.)  

Kiddo2 knows that his "uncle" has horses on his ranch and asked him ever-so-sweetly if he could ride one when he came to the party.  And every day of those two weeks, Kiddo2 would tell me how he was going to ride a big, BIG horse at Uncle D's house.

And Uncle D did not disappoint!  He asked his mom and sister if they had a horse that Kiddo2 could ride.  And they, being the wonderful ladies that they are, made sure it would happen.

Kiddo2 got to ride by himself first.  He wasn't too sure what he should be doing, but he couldn't hide his smile at riding a big, BIG horse!

Kiddo1 joined him.

And then our godson got in on the fun!

Even after the horse went "night-night", the kids played on the saddle and blanket.

It was a VERY memorable day for the older kids, one pint-sized cowboy in particular.
A big THANK YOU to Uncle D, Auntie M, and Grandma S!

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