Friday, September 21, 2012

The log in my eye

I've spent a lot of time dealing with my folks' stuff.  Which makes me think of my own stuff.

Like this stuff.  My craft closet.  I need to address that major mess.

 And my craft books, lots of them need to go.

In this room, I look in the mirror and I clearly see my own mess.

I've been so busy working on my parents' speck, I've neglected the log in my own eye.


  1. He he he . . . not sure about the log and speck . . . but it makes for an excellent subject line. :-) You could always check with us before you toss them, just in case my small crafters can use any!! :-)

    1. Excellent idea! I was just going to donate, so I'll stop by your house first!


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