Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Unique Obsession

One of my pet-peeves-turned-unique-obsession is mis-spelling or blatantly incorrect agriculture terms.  Particularly from people who should know better.  A favorite of mine is the online classified ads.   There always sure to be at least one.

The most common?  An ad for hay that says "hay bails for sale".  Ummm, no.  "Bail" is something you pay to get out of jail.  "Bale" is a lump of hay.

Others?  An ad offering "weathers for sale".  Ummmm, no.  You aren't selling atmospheric conditions, you are selling "wethers", castrated male sheep.

Last night I was watching TV (that's how you know I'm traveling, we don't have TV at home), as I flipped to the Discovery Channel they were hunting wild pigs.  As the very southern accented `hunter let a large black pig go saying, "That one is a sow."  The announcer broke in to say "A sow is a female boar."

Whoa!  WHAT??!!  You are the Discovery Channel.  Children and adults turn to you for educational programming.  You aren't TV Land for pete's sake, get your facts straight!

A boar is an intact male.  He has testicles.  The female version of that would be a transvestite.  And there are no transvestite pigs.


  1. LOL - love the female boars. I have seen the bails for sale many times. I recently saw an ad (in print) for lames for sale - clearly a creature with legs, since it has trouble walking - could it be llamas?

    1. Oh my goodness, that is too funny!! Maybe it's lambs? :)

  2. I was watching the same show on Discovery last night - I heard that too. I too was appalled.

  3. I'm not even a farm wife and those things bug me! I have a friend who scours Craigslist daily, just for entertainment!

    1. I find it highly entertaining. Perhaps we should start a facebook group where we share our finds???


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