A wonderful rain blessed the farm early this morning, so I pulled on my pink rubber boots and got out there to take some pictures! We had a fantastic week last week (a record-setter, to be honest), so a giant THANK YOU to all who participated either via delivery or farmers market! This week the line-up of fresh produce gets even bigger with the addition of the some brassicas (the genus of broccoli, cabbage, etc.) and mesclun mix lettuce. Delivery will be Thursday, August 14th. Take a look!

What a great head of broccoli! There was a time when I didn't know if my little broccoli plants were going to make it. But they have not only survived, but thrived! My husband is a huge fan of raw broccoli, me...not so much! But you can't beat a good broccoli casserole or broccoli cheese soup! A word of warning: I made a decision this year not to use any toxic chemicals on my produce thereby giving you the most natural food I could. With that, the cabbage loopers have been out and there may be some looper worms in your broccoli. Not to fear!! Simply soak your broccoli in salted water for 30 minutes then the worms will be dead and float out, then simply rinse them away. It was a tough decision, but I feel better about providing you the safest, healthiest food rather than the "prettiest" food that you would get in the grocery store.

I love Mesclun Salad mix!! I always plant it for a fall crop because just when you've had your fill of lettuce, here comes this wonderful leafy green. This is the same salad mix that the "high-end" restaurants serve, but you can eat it in your pajamas...I won't tell!

I've had a lot of requests for tomatoes. Trust me, as soon as they are ripe you will know it! The rain will be a huge help to them, but what they need is some heat and warm nights. Tomatoes don't ripen too fast when it's 55 degrees at night. Just look at all those tomatoes in that one small area...and I have 34 plants! So we just have to be patient, but I wanted to show you that they are out there!

Ahhh, the trusty cabbage. I've found that people either love or hate cabbage. I love it, in any form, but particularly as sauerkraut! I'm a good German girl and love my fermented cabbage. These cabbages make excellent coleslaw, pigs in the blanket and a wonderful addition to soups or stir-fries. But, as with the broccoli, I have to give a word of warning: I made a decision this year not to use any toxic chemicals on my produce thereby giving you the most natural food I could. With that, the cabbage loopers have been out and there may be some looper worms in your cabbage. Not to fear!! Simply soak your cabbage (cut or shred it first) in salted water for 30 minutes then the worms will be dead and float out, then simply rinse them away. It was a tough decision, but I feel better about providing you the safest, healthiest food rather than the "prettiest" food that you would get in the grocery store.
Broccoli - $2.00 per head
Cabbage - $2.00 per head
Mesclun Salad Mix - $3.00 per bag
Beans - $2.00 per bag (please specify yellow or green)
Swiss Chard - $3.00 per bag
Slicer Cucumbers - 2 for $1.00
Pickling Cucumbers - $2.00 per pound
Beets - $2.00 per bunch (6 beets in a bunch)
Zucchini - 4 for $1.00
Summer Squash - 4 for $1.00
New Potatoes - $2.00 per pound
Peas (unshelled) - $2.00 per bag
Romaine Lettuce - 1 gal bag - $3.00
Garlic - 2 plants - $1.00
Onion - 2 plants - $1.00
Shallot - 1 plant - $1.00
This will be the last week for peas...for now. I have planted a fall crop and they should be ready within the next 2-3 weeks.
Please email your orders by Wednesday at 6pm. With the growing number of customers, I will fill orders on a first emailed, first served basis. I will let you know if I can't fill part of your order and we will work something out. Thanks again everyone! I'm having so much fun sharing this great food with you!