Sunday, February 7, 2010

Diet Update & Cooking Lessons

I am more than three weeks into the Sonoma Diet and so far I have lost 16 pounds! I've still got a long way to go, but every weight loss begins with the first pound so I'm off and running!!!

I videotaped my first cooking lesson to post here and discovered that the only way to do a videotaped cooking lesson is without children. I have two under the age of 2 that are very loud and inquisitive, particularly when the video camera is rolling. I was forced to roast my chicken during nap time and whisper...WOW, not a great television moment there! I felt like I was doing an investigative report rather than roasting a rooster in my own kitchen. The cooking lessons have been revised to be pictures (lots of pictures) and recipes with typed commentary by yours truly. That way you are not subjected to my daughter yelling for her "PUP!!!" or asking me to "GO!" or my son screaming in delight because he just ran over his sister's toys (or his sister, for that matter) with his walker. I won't rule out the occasional video, but the pictures just seem to be a much better fit for where my life is at the mommy moment.

So, what to make first...any suggestions?? Don't let the fact I'm on a diet keep you from requesting sinfully delicious things, they don't tempt me in the least and my husband will thank you!

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