Friday, May 11, 2012

It's hard being a mother

You may remember that Kiddo1 has two very special rabbits.  (If you don't, you SHOULD.)  Well, Trixie was out and about as usual with Kiddo1 doing typical sidekick duties:  riding on her bike, watching her play in the dirt, checking on the garden, etc.

Kiddo1 came in for supper and forgot Trixie on Kiddo2's tricycle.

And then it rained.  A LOT.

Kiddo1 awoke to pouring rain.  Then AND ONLY THEN, did she realize that poor Trixie was left outside alone.  

And the tears poured harder than the rain.

She begged for an umbrella to go and get poor Trixie.

And then she lovingly wrapped Trixie in a towel and placed her in the dryer for a tumble.  

After the tumble, Trixie was promptly tucked into bed with two blankets and three books.

It's hard being the mother of a rabbit...

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