This is a picture of our backyard. These drifts are between 3 and 5 feet high.

This is a side view of the "bad" section of our driveway.

This is the head-on view of the same section. Notice the vehicles parked out there. When this blows shut (at least once a week), we have to walk out to the vehicles and then drive anywhere. The drifts on the left are about 6 feet high.

This is a view of the creek. The windbreak is doing a great job catching snow before it goes into the yard. That's about 20 vertical feet of snow!

So, as you can see, it's been hard to think about the garden when I was a prisoner in what amounts to a Siberian prison!
Things are looking up, we hit 40 degrees the other day and melting did occur! That means spring is just around the corner...RIGHT?